Friday, September 28, 2012

Oh Goodness

Slowly but surely I have had more and more friends and family join the blogging world, and I have been thinking about it. 1) because I am THE worlds worst journal-er and maybe this will help redeem me, and it counts.. kind of... and 2) I have been going through this laundry list of hilarious mishaps and stories that have been happening in my life, and I think that more people need a laugh in their own life, so why not laugh WITH me at my own...? Right?

First off, I am a 21 year old female, currently living in Fairbanks Alaska. Also known as God's country, because its so beautiful here. Although this is all about to change on Sunday September 30th, because I am moving to Provo Utah. 

Oh, why? You may ask, and honestly, I cannot answer that question. I SWORE that I would never move to Utah, let alone Provo of all places. But I have prayed about it and sure enough, that's where God thinks I should be. (At least that has been my interpretation of this whole moving shenanigan, so we'll see... ;)) In Fairbanks I have a FANTASTIC job working at Fireweed Consignment Boutique with beautiful ladies, helping to make other ladies feel beautiful as well. I have learned so much at this job and I am very sad to leave it. Especially to go into the unknown and unemployment, with no mode of transportation, and I don't even know where the grocery store. (I don't really know why the whole grocery store thing is a big deal to me, but it is. I think its because I like to cook and to eat, and when I don't know where the food is, I get a little worried...) But I digress, I'm going anyways, and I am actually really excited about it. And incredibly nervous at the same time. 

Did I tell you I don't even know how to ride a bus? (side story...)
I lived outside of my school district as a kid, and so my mom drove us to school every morning. I know, that woman is a SAINT I tell you. After all, she does have me as a kid and I'm still alive.. SO I never rode a bus. Only for like school field trips and things, but the only true form of public transportation I have ever ridden (before the subway in Boston, which is an ENTIRELY can of worms) is the student shuttle that we have on campus at University of Alaska Fairbanks. And I rode it once.... for three minutes... less than the distance of 300 yards. After I got off the shuttle, I called my dad, the conversation went a lil somethin like this:
Kiana: "DAD! You'll NEVER guess what I just did."
Dad: "OK you're right, I give." 
Ki: "I just rode on public transportation."
Dad: "uh where? Didn't you have class this morning?"
Ki:"I rode the shuttle from upper campus! it was -40 below and I didn't want to walk.. Dad I was so scared..." 
Dad:*erupting in laughter* "wow Ki, you're right, I am so proud..." *still laughing he proceeds to tell his whole office about my "near death experience on the dreaded public transportation"*  and it is still a family and office joke to this day. (this was two years ago BTW...)

Yes. If your thinking it, I am absolutely spoiled rotten. This I am aware of, and fully acknowledge. Hence the spur of the moment picking up and moving out to nowhere with no plans. I realize, Baby Girl needs to grow up. 

There are some things I do know: 
1) I have a place to stay! Thanks to my Uncle Eric, I will be living at the self proclaimed "bachelor pad" with four boys... Uncle Eric, Nick(brother), Andrew, and Aaron (wish me luck) 
2) I will have my brother, he is my best friend and as long as he's there, I know I'll be ok. 
3) I will have the church. Luckily It's still true no matter where you go in the world. 
4) If things go bad, I can always come home.   
 5) I will miss my mom and dad and sister and brother in law and my niece and nephew more than words can allow. I get choked up just thinking about it. Oh, and my dogs.


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